ПО, модули для управления магазином (Android, iOS, Windows и др.)


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VIP Simple
Apr 25, 2016
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Возникла необходимость управлять / контролировать работу магазина с планшета / смартфона. Что должна уметь программа (комплекс)?
1. оперативно получать уведомления о заказах (PUSH);
2. информация о заказе (товар, цена, контакты клиента);
3. управление статусами;
4. выставить счет, сообщить о доставке;
5. возможность редактировать заказ;
6. связаться с клиентом по телефону, email прямо из программы.
7. минимальная статистика по заказам, продажам.

Для Android нашел несколько программ, которые, согласно описанию, максимально подходят под задачи:
1. Magento Mobile Assistant (бесплатно)
2. Magento Sales Tracking (бесплатно)
3. Magento Admin (платно)

Тестирую первую. Задачи выполняет. Трафика не много. Для полноты работы с заказом требуется установка модуля с Magento Connect.

Если есть у кого-то опыт использования этих или подобных программ, то сообщите. Возможно есть другие более интересные варианты под iOS, Windows.
Store Manager for Magento Professional Edition Version:
– Thursday, January 28th, 2016


01/28/16 00:00 Features:
- Order import feature has been added in Store Manager for Magento Enterprise and Professional Editions;
- Now eBay orders can be imported to Magento with Store Manager and eBay Integration Addon;

- Now Store Manager checks what Magento version you use and shows a notifying message if Store Manager is not compatible or is partially compatible with current Magento version.;
- Bridge version 7.52 support has been added;
- "Reindex product data by Store Manager" and "Reindex product data by bridge" options are now available at Import Options step of Store Manager Import wizard. Now data reindex can be performed from Store Manager directly or reindex request can be sent to the server (if "Reindex product data by bridge" option is enabled);

- Previously Access Violation error occurred if one double clicked anywhere in the grid in Abandoned Carts tab. The issue has been fixed and no error appears in this Store Manager for Magento version;
- Order export malfunction (not all ordered products were exported) has been eliminated in this release;
- Previously barcode labels were generated for all Magento products, notwithstanding what items were selected as target for label creating. The inconvenience has been fixed in this version and now barcode labels are generated for selected items;
- Copying of categories (with products) between websites is now performed accurately via Store Manager application;
- Now image assign from FTP folder works properly;
- There occurred image regenerate issue, if image name started from capital letter. The problem has been fixed and image names are regenerated properly;
- Some errors related to SSH using have been fixed in this Store Manager for Magento release.

Amazon Integration Addon:
- "Show product quantity" option has been added to Amazon Integration addon. If this option is enabled, number of products in each category is displayed. Respectively, the option is being disabled, quantity will not be displayed;
- Product removing from the grid has been optimized. “Remove all” button has been added;
- Category mapping has been optimized in Amazon Integration Addon.

PDF Catalog Creator Addon:

- PDF Catalog Creator launch from product context menu (when certain products are selected) has been added;
- Dialog window with further actions - "Assign product(s) to a category", "Move product(s) to a category (move but keep other categories)", "Move product(s) to a category (assign only selected category)" - now appears when products are moved between categories via Drag&Drop;
- Adding products to PDF Catalog categories, you can view process completion on enhanced progress bar in PDF Catalog Creator addon;
- Splash window notifying about PDF Catalog Creator launch has been added;
- PDF catalog removing has been optimized and accelerated;
- Now PDF Catalog Creator addon will offer to use wizard for PDF catalog setup at the first launch;
- Possibility to print PDF catalogs in various languages (depending on store view selected) has been implemented to PDF Catalog Creator addon;
- Quality scale and possibility to compress output PDF catalogs has been added to the addon;
- Templates with transparent elements can now be used for PDF catalogs;
- New "Lookbook" template has been added to PDF Catalog Creator addon;

Store Manager for Magento Professional Edition ver. Beta
Store Manager for Magento v. - поддержка API таксономии интеграции eBay