SCRIPT XenForo 2.0.7 Nulled


Staff member
VIP Hard
Nov 25, 2015
Reaction score
XenForo 2.0.7 Nulled

Сегодня мы рады объявить о выпуске XenForo 2.0.7, целью которого является решение некоторых проблем, обнаруженных с момента выпуска предыдущей версии, и включение нескольких дополнительных изменений, чтобы повысить соответствие требованиям GDPR на Вашем форуме.
  • Ensure the server side validates the privacy policy/terms and rules acceptance form
  • Ensure certain fields output in the data portability exports are escaped
  • Some small phrase adjustments
  • Attempt to ensure the new cookie notice does not hide the footer links
  • Ensure data portability features are only available to admins with the "Manage users" permission
  • If the geoLocationUrl option is empty, no longer attempt to link a user's location
  • If a user's location is linked, ensure that noreferrer and nofollow values are set
  • Not GDPR related, but fix issue with toggling Q&A CAPTCHA questions
  • Use consistent variables for displaying privacy policy and terms and rules URLs on help pages
  • Ensure default privacy policy and terms and rules help pages are redirected appropriately when custom URLs are set
  • Do not display protected change log entries (like policy acceptance dates) for potential spammers in the user approval queue
Были изменены следующие шаблоны:
  • help_index
  • help_wrapper
  • helper_account
  • member_about
  • message_macros
XenForo 2.0.7 Nulled